I had another surprise left at my door a couple of days ago, and I thought I would share it on the blog since it does have to do with something we already discussed at an earlier time and the great benefits of being a Chevy Truck Legends member. This is why I have given this the title, the gift that keeps on giving.
I love going to the International Auto Expo every year and I found out that I would receive free admission tickets through Chevy Truck Legends EVERY year and was excited about it because they are usually about $12.00 per person so that REALLY helps!
The surprise at my door was Chevy Truck playing cards with pictures of Chevy trucks throughout the history of the trucks built. Many Misc. ones. It even comes with a collectors tin to store the cards in when they are not in use.
For me knowing the person I am, I may never play with them. I am a Chevy FREAK and I need to preserve them cause I don’t want anybody’s fingerprints on them or the oil from their skin, to keep them in mint condition. (Cause I’m that kind of a rude dude, my wife says I need help).
I really enjoy receiving gifts from Chevy Truck Legends I wonder what else may be coming in the future for me and my Lil’ Chevy pickup